9/15/2014 0 Comments Dr. Brad Shook of Hickory Spine Answers The Question, "Why Would AARP Warn Its Members to Avoid This Spinal Surgery?"AARP Warns Its Subscribers to Avoid 4 Spinal Surgeries...![]() AARP published an article discussing "4 Surgeries to Avoid." One of the surgeries is a "Spinal Fusion for Spinal Stenosis." This caught my attention because one of the most commonly treated conditions in my office is spinal stenosis. Spinal fusion surgeries are very common surgeries, especially when there is significant degeneration and compressed nerves. I see patients on a daily basis that have complications and/or complete failures from these procedures that are looking for anything that could possibly improve their pain from these failed procedures. In these procedures, the vertebrae are "fused", or bolted and screwed together, and connected by rods. The idea is that you can keep the bones apart, and make room for the nerves. A recent study of medicare patients showed that the number of Spinal Fusion surgery had increased 1,400 percent between 2002 and 2007 although the risks associated with this surgery are very high. Some of the complications associated with spinal fusions are that the fusion never takes, or does't heal. In this case you have bones that are broken, in fragments, and there is nothing that can be done. Other complications are infections, reactions to the anesthesia, nerve damage, and of course death. Some of the most significant issues when considering these surgeries are:
I tell every patient, go from least invasive to most invasive procedures, and not to skip anything! With these types of complications, you absolutely must exhaust every option possible or you are putting your health at serious risk Source: http://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-05-2011/4-surgeries-to-avoid.3.html We have had several patients that have been told they need surgery, you can listen to their stories here:
6/27/2014 0 Comments Hickory, NC Chiropractor Shares New Research On A New High-Tech Treatment for Back Pain - Spinal Decompression TherapyHickory, NC Chiropractic Physician Shares New Research On A New Treatment for Back Pain - Spinal Decompression Therapy
Significant analgesic action and an improvement to spinal mobility were observed. Significantly better results were obtained in Group I where the patients had been treated with the use of lumbar traction."1 In our clinic we have two spinal decompression tables that have proven to be one of the most effective non-drug and non-surgical treatment options for lower back and neck pain that we have ever seen. If you have back pain, a disc herniation, spinal stenosis, spinal arthritis, a slipped disc, scoliosis, or a degenerative disc condition we may be able to help you with this new technology. Dr. Shook created a DVD on spinal decompression therapy that you can watch online if you are interested in learning more. To get access to the presentation all you need to do is enter your email in the form below and we will send you a link where you can view the presentation. If you have any questions do not hesitate to give us a call. (828) 324-0800. You can also visit us online at www.hickoryspine.com Pingot J, Pingot M, Łabecka M, Woldańska-Okońska M., Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2014 May;36(215):330-5. The use of Saunders lumbar traction in physiotherapy of patients with chronic lower back pain. Pol Merkur Lekarski. 2014 May;36(215):330-5.The use of Saunders lumbar traction in physiotherapy of patients with chronic lower back pain.
6/21/2014 0 Comments Chiropractor in Hickory, NC Reviews New Research That Explains Why Some People Have Chronic Back Pain and Suggests What Can Be Done To Help With-out Medication and Surgery5/17/2014 0 Comments New Technology for the Treatment of Disc Herniations in Hickory, NC - Chiropractor and Physical Medicine Clinic - Dr. Brad Shook![]() New technology is proving to be an effective non-surgical and non-drug treatment for many disc herniations, bulging discs, slipped discs, sciatica, pinched nerves and degenerative discs. What is this technology you ask? Well, there are actually three:
We offer all three of these leading edge therapies in our clinic, and we have close to 30 video testimonials from real patients that have benefited from these gentle, effective, cutting edge treatments. Watch the video testimonials below to hear about these results for yourself. We are dedicated to bringing you the latest technology at our chiropractic clinic in Hickory, NC.If you would like to know if treatment in our office may be able to help you, give us a call at (828) 324-0800, we would love to hear from you. You can also learn more at Hickory Spine.
5/9/2014 0 Comments New technology for the treatment of back pain in Hickory NC. Chiropractic Physician Dr. Brad Shook.![]() New technology is helping patients with back pain avoid strong medications and invasive surgeries. Laser therapy has evolved into an area that is highly researched, with an explosion of interest in the last 3 years. Within a 3 year period 3000 research papers have been published on laser therapy, when prior to that, there were under 1000 total. Laser is demonstrating several key benefits to the treatment of back pain:
The ability to accelerate healing of tissues, and not just superficial wounds but nerves and cartilage are where there is real life-changing possibilities. We have sen that back pain and nerve related pain can improve significantly with laser. If you have back or neck pain, you may be a candidate for laser therapy. If you are interested in seeing if we can accept you for care, please give us a call at (828) 324-0800. We look forward to seeing if we can help you. |
AuthorDr. Brad Shook focuses his practice on the treatment of spinal injures, pain and automobile collision trauma. Archives
October 2017
CategoriesAll ATM2 Active Therapeutic Movements 2 Auto Accident Doctor Auto Accident Doctor Hickory NC Back Pain Back Specialist Chiropractor Hickory Nc Disc Herniation Treamtent Dr. Brad Shook Hickory NC Chiropractic Physician Knee Doctor Hickory NC Laser Pain Treatment Hickory NC Clinic Laser Therapy Hickory Nc Low Back Pain Neck Pain Specialized Knee Therapies Hickory Spinal Decompression Therapy Spinal Fusion Alternatives Spinal Stenosis Surgery Alternatives Whiplash Doctor Hickory Nc Whiplash Injury |
Hickory Spine Chiropractic
Office Hours: Appointments available outside office hours by request. Monday: 7 AM -10 AM, 3 PM to 6 PM Tuesday: 7 AM - 10 AM, 11 AM–2PM Wednesday: 11 AM - 2 PM, 3 PM to 6 PM Thursday: 11 AM - 2 PM, 3 PM to 6 PM Friday: 7 AM - 10 AM Saturday: 8 AM - 10 AM Sunday: closed Office Location: Hickory Spine Chiropractic 901 Hwy 321 NW, Ste 120 Hickory, NC 28601 Phone: (828) 655-7980 Our chiropractic center is located on highway 321 in the same building with the tag office. |